Mulholland Drive: The Blurred Lines of Reality
It is the middle of the night. A dark limousine rides along Mulholland Drive carrying a mysterious woman (later known as Rita). Suddenly, the limo stops without explanation, and the driver pulls a gun on her. However, before anything happens, a car crash disrupts the situation, and Rita stumbles away, confused and suffering from amnesia. […]
On reading between the lines
Ever had that feeling where you're telling a story, but no matter how many words or descriptions you use, something still feels lost in translation? It's like describing the taste of chocolate to someone who's never had a sweet in their life—it just doesn’t quite capture the full experience. In psychoanalysis, we often find ourselves […]
Words can’t describe…
Humans are, at their core, speaking beings. Our capacity to communicate through language defines much of what it means to be human, shaping our relationships, culture, and sense of self. From the moment we learn to speak, we use language as the primary tool for expressing our thoughts, feelings, and desires. However, as much as […]
Round and Round We Go
Shel Silverstein’s The Missing Piece is a profound and deceptively simple tale that engages readers of all ages. On the surface, it tells the story of a circle on a quest to find its missing piece to become "whole." However, through the lens of Lacanian interpretation, the narrative opens up as a rich exploration of […]
Surrealism and Psychoanalysis. A Dreamlike Intersection
As we approach the centennial of the surrealist movement in 2024, it's an opportune moment to reflect on one of its most profound influences: psychoanalysis. Since its formal establishment in 1924, surrealism has fascinated the world with its dreamlike depictions and exploration of the unconscious, deeply intertwined with psychoanalytic theory. The movement, led by André […]
David Bohm on Thought and Truth
The Definition of Dialogue As per Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, dialogue is a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversation; a conversation between two or more persons; a similar exchange between a person and something else (such as a computer); an exchange of ideas and opinions; a discussion between representatives of […]

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