Understanding Narcissistic, Borderline, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders
There are several reasons why people may be curious about what personality disorders are. One of the reasons may be an interest in psychology in general, to understand others better or to understand one’s own symptoms. Personality disorders are often portrayed in the media, TV shows, movies, and books. Unfortunately, stigma can be part of […]
Psychology vs Psychotherapy: what are the key differences?
A common question is what the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist is. In this brief blog, I will outline the main differences that come to mind. Psychotherapy and psychology are two related but distinct fields within the broader mental health discipline. Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour, thoughts, and emotions. It […]
Should I give Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy a try?
Here is a brief introduction to psychoanalytic psychotherapy and how it may help. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a type of talking therapy that aims to help people understand their unconscious processes (thoughts, behaviours, etc.) and the root causes of their emotional and psychological difficulties. Sigmund Freud developed it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. […]
Dream a Little Dream
Dreams may seem strange and irrational. They may carry so much meaning that we often need to describe our dreams to others at length. The question is: What are dreams for? Some perceive them as images created by the mind in sleep; some try to find deeper, hidden meanings. There is also a theory that […]

©Anna Sergent

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