The Anxiety Aestetic. Is Your Favourite Movie Character Anxious?
The ubiquitous and frequently crippling emotion of anxiety is a complicated phenomenon that has long fascinated scientists, philosophers, and psychologists. The symptoms of anxiety range from physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, change in skin tone, trembling, shortness of breath, and muscle tension. Sometimes anxiety blurred vision may occur. Psychological symptoms of anxiety may include […]
The Primal scream. Bourgeois and the Unconscious
Renowned for her honest and unvarnished examination of the human psyche, Louise Bourgeois was a titan of the 20th-century art scene. As Donald Kuspit says in his essay about Bourgeois: "She was one of the great articulators of the core problems of modernity: psychic survival." Her creation(s) is proof of the ability of art to […]
Ancestral Echoes. The Whispers of the Past in Our Present.
Our Ancestors. The Architects of Our Story. The idea that our ancestors have been architects of our story alludes to a deep relationship between the past and the present. Just as architects plan and build structures, defining their shape and purpose, so too did our ancestors lay the groundwork for our existence. Their choices, life […]
Beyond the Physical. A Psychological Landscape of the Body.
More than just physical containers, our bodies serve as both the basis for who we are and the main lens through which we view the outside world. Our bodies affect how we perceive and engage with everything around us, from delicate touch sensations to intense emotional power. Psychoanalysis offers an additional layer of understanding by […]
Beyond Windows and Doors. The Psychological Construction of Home.
From grand castles to cosy cottages, the image of a house has captivated humanity for centuries. But a house is more than just a physical structure; it's a potent symbol that transcends cultures and time. This blog will delve into the rich symbolism of the house and home, exploring how it reflects our deepest desires […]
A Symfony of Colours: Kieslowski’s Language of Emotions in Colour
Imagination built fantasies on developing the science of colour. From Aristotle’s mixing of elemental hues to Newton’s prismatic splitting of a sunbeam into a spectrum of seven primary colours which in turn correlates with seven planets and the heptatonic musical scale. Goethe emphasised human perception and subjective experience of colour and influenced artists and thinkers […]

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